Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I can't believe it's already November! I'm taking my first Midterm on Thursday, which means the first quarter of my two-year program is half-way over! It may seem like a small achievement to most, but if the following weeks fly by as fast as these first five have then I'll have my degree in no time!

So far I have made the 1 hour and 30 minute drive to Oceanside every Friday. The coast is sooo much nicer than the inland area. I can breathe, relax, and spend time with my better half. I love having something to look forward to during the week. On Monday I'm usually thinking, "Only 4 more days!" When Thursday finally ends, after 6 hours of lecture, I am usually too excited to sleep because the next day is FRIDAY!

The weekend before last was very busy for my Pastor boyfriend. Our Friday was spent at Oceanside Pier setting up and taking part in a vespers programs for the youth of North San Diego County. Here's a picture of Aren and I at the beach.

While we were waiting for the kids to show up, we walked over to the pier and got ice cream at this cute little shop that resembles Big Dip Ice Cream Parlor from back home. I got Maui Wowie and Aren got a sundae (of course). The best part about our ice cream purchase was that we got a free round of golf at Boomer's Mini Golf. So, guess where we went for Saturday Night (aka Date Night)? Yep, Boomer's! Well, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Included in this busy weekend was a sermon given by Pastor Aren. This was the second time I got to hear him preach. He talked about the time when Ryan Spilborghs (Colorado Rockies Outfielder) dissed him during batting practice, which is one of my favorite stories of his. He related it all to being a witness for God and not being afraid to do so. After lunch, we geared up for what has now become a Sabbath afternoon ritual: laying out on a blanket in the park. This is the best activity! We relax, read, talk, watch all the dogs (and then I beg for a dog), and just enjoy life.

We were so excited for our Saturday evening activity of mini golf. Much to my surprise, Aren and I tied at the end of 18 holes. Aren kept saying over and over how easy the course was, but I don't think the guy should brag if he let an uncoordinated girl like me tie with him. We spent the rest of the evening in the batting cages. I took on the slow-pitch softballs while he challenged the 55mph fastballs. What a stud!

The last and final day of the busy weekend for Aren was (drumroll please.....) His First Wedding! That's right! Aren can now marry people. I wish I could have been there to see it, but it sounded like it all went well. The bride didn't run and Aren didn't mess up any names or "repeat after me's".

The weekends are great to escape, but when I come back to Loma Linda it's "back to reality." This past week was a great week of reality, however. This past week I found my internship! The thing that I had been most worried about was finally taken care of. It is truly amazing what the power of prayer can do. My job will be at the Medical Center in Loma Linda. I'll be working in a branch of HR, leading in an employee program. I am so excited for all that will come my way in this field. God gave me the perfect internship - something I couldn't have dreamed up on my own.

And, that's my life right now. I have a midterm in Biostatistics and a huge presentation on the pharmaceutical industry for Healthcare Delivery Systems. Like I said above, I'm counting down the days 'til Friday. I especially can't wait for Thursday to be over.

Side note, tomorrow is my BIG little brother's birthday! Happy Birthday to the best brother!


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