My grandfather passed away on
June 19, 2011 - Father's Day.
This posted is dedicated to him.

My dedication ceremony performed by Papa.
Remember when you took me to Canada? I was maybe 10-years-old at the time. I gathered up the courage to leave my parents and go to a foreign place with you and Grammie. We went to see Niagara Falls and rode on the "Maiden of the Mist." We had to wear those silly blue ponchos that did a less than an adequate job of protection. We stood on the bridge. The left side of our bodies in Canada, and the right in the U.S.

From our hotel room we would walk down to the train station and get ice-cream at night. You loved ice-cream (maybe even more than me). You gave me a little taste of what the world had to offer. Panoramic views, captivating architectures, and interesting people were all within reach if I just took a step outside. So, outside I went. In the following years I saw Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace, the Eiffel Tower, The Colosseum, the ruins of Pompeii, the infamous Palio horse race in Siena, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, The David, The Sistine Chapel and so much more. I met interesting people and ate new foods, but always remained loyal to ice-cream even if it came in a new form, like gelato.
You didn't just influence my travel habits. No, so much more! You were one of my biggest supporters when it came to my education. You helped me and my parents through elementary school, high school and college. You always wanted to know how my classes were going, the latest field trip I went on or when the next choir or band performance was. Eighth-grade graduation day came, which at the time was a pretty huge deal to me, and you were there. Remember how I handed out the roses to all my loved ones? Of course you were included. High school went by in a flash, and before you knew it it was time for another graduation. This time it was really important. More important than a silly elementary school graduation. This was high school. I was moving on to college. I turned 18 on the same day. I could drive a car. (It was your car actually. Thanks for letting me have your Camry.)
I could basically do anything - and you were there to celebrate with me. Remember the Friday night service where all the students got up on stage and cried for no reason? Yes, I cried and I rambled, but somewhere in my lengthy and horribly delivered speech you were mentioned. You were able to make it to Nick's Friday night service this year. He didn't cry though - I'm so proud! I got to sit next to you and tell you his classmate's names when they got up and spoke.
After my high school graduation I began the next chapter of my life as a college student: the pinnacle of success! Little did I know, I knew very little about everything. Those four years were challenging at times, but you were one of my biggest cheerleaders. You offered me a home away from home when I needed an escape. I talked to you about my classes, teachers and friends. I shared with you everything I was pursuing and every visit you told me how proud you were of me. Those words mean so much to me and I will hold on to them forever. I am so happy to know that you passed with the knowledge that I graduated from college and that I was pursuing a Masters. You weren't able to make it to Graduation Grove a few Sundays ago, but you heard my name being called to accept my diploma. Grammie held up the phone so you could hear the Academic Dean call my name. You were there! You were cheering me on like you always do. You gave me gorgeous roses to celebrate.
I do not count you as absent that day.
Papa, you taught me about something more important than traveling and school. You showed me what it was like to walk with Jesus. The Christian's walk is all about two things: love and faith, and you held up those standards every day. You always had kind words to say about someone, and you never let the troubles in life steer you away from God. You are so inspirational and I thank God for blessing me with you as a grandfather. You dedicated me as a newborn and baptized me when I accepted Christ into my heart. Although you won't be physically present to see me get my Masters or perform my wedding ceremony or to see your first great-grandchild, I'll look back at every milestone and remember what you always told me...
"I love you, my Sweet Allie."
"You are so special to me."
"I am so proud of you."
When I got to the hospital on Saturday with mom I didn't think that I would be telling you goodbye the very next day. I've seen you fight through back surgeries, heart surgeries and shingles. Every single time you were sick you recovered. I thought this would be another one of those recovery stages. You held my hand and it was very emotional for the both of us, but I didn't want you to see me cry. I wanted to be strong for you.
I brought you and Grammie a thank-you card. I hope Grammie had the chance to read it to you, but if she didn't that's okay. You already know everything I wrote down. I talked about how blessed I was to have you and how much I loved you. Again, things you already knew. I left you that day, not fully comprehending how bad the situation was. You passed the next day and I wasn't there. I'm glad I got the chance to talk to you one last time over the phone. We got to exchange "I love yous."
I'm happy to know that you are no longer in pain. I'm happy to know that the next person you will see and hear is Jesus. I'm happy that I was able to tell you goodbye. But, I'm sad to lose my Papa. I look forward to the day when I can see you again.
With Love,
Your "Sweet Allie"

At the old house in Thousand Oaks, California.
Papa's 78th Birthday.
A celebration would not be complete without ice cream cake.
Family Picture celebrating Dad's birthday (hence the sombrero).
"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."
1 Corinthians 15:20-22
A beautiful tribute, Allie. I didn't remember that he was your grandpa, and hadn't heard that he'd passed away before reading this. You had a wise, talented and wonderful grandfather who provided a role model and encouragement to so many people--what a blessing it will be when that resurrection day comes!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful post about your grandpa Allie! I'm sorry he passed away. I'm praying for you and your family!