Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Itinerary

I can't believe June 13 is almost here. Up until a couple of days ago I was cramming for my exams and had almost forgotten about the fact that I would soon be leaving the country. We met with Dr. Hart, the President of LLU, to talk about our business leg of the trip. Hearing the details about Rwanda, the genocide and all the politics involved, made it feel very real. Our involvement over there is still to be decided, but at least I have my itinerary for Malawi. Here's what I'll be up to over there:

Leave Wednesday, June 13 - Arrive in Lilongwe Friday, June 15

Saturday, June 16 - Church and rest

Sunday, June 17 - Hospital tour at Malamulo, prep for VBS, Health Fair and Hospital Projects

Monday, June 18 - Malamulo Health Fair and VBS

Tuesday, June 19 - Hospital improvement projects and VBS

Wednesday, June 20 - Health Fair and lectures at Ngabo Clinic, and Nyala Park visit

Thursday, June 21 - Community Health Dept. lectures, VBS, and Community Health supplement distribution

Friday, June 22 - Hospital improvement projects, Makwasa Market, and VBS

Saturday, June 23 - Church, rest, hike

Sunday, June 24 - Visit to Mt. Mulanje, hiking and swimming

Monday, June 25 - Health screenings at Malamulo community and the school

Tuesday, June 26 - Health lectures and tour at Blantyre hospital, orphanage visit, health lectures and cooking demonstrations

Wednesday, June 27 - Health Fair at BAH in Blantyre

Thursday, June 28 - Leave for Lake Malawi, possible supplement distribution

Friday, June 29 - Rest and reflection at Lake Malawi

Saturday, June 30 - Leave for Rwanda...

During the majority of the health lectures, I'll give presentations on the benefits of rest and sleep as well as lead out in the chair massages. All those massages my mom used to make me give her have totally prepared me for this!

Your prayers and messages have meant a lot to me so far. Continue to pray for me and the other students.

au revoir!

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