Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm a Nerd.

I am so happy to be in school! Seriously, no sarcasm here. I just got done with a 6-hour block of classes comprised of Biostatistics in Healthcare Management and Healthcare Delivery Systems - and they are awesome. I am officially a nerdy Public Health Student. Finally, I feel like I'm taking courses that I am actually interested in and that will directly benefit my future career. Win-win!

Friends have been asking for pictures, so here's what my dorm room looks like. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

The gym bag I got for free at the Back to School Bash and my badge.

My bare pantry.

Textbooks and beautiful gifts from my grandma.

More of my desk.

My roommate's side and our mini fridge.

My 'A' mug. Another gift from my grandma. So sweet!

Bathroom counter.

My closet is packed!

My desk and bed.

It's still an adjustment for me coming from PUC where I've known everyone my whole life to Loma Linda where I only know a handful of people, but I'm taking it one day at a time. These next two years will go by in a flash and I will have another degree under my belt. Hopefully it's the final step in attaining my dream job, whatever that may be. For now, I'm excited for the weekend, especially Sabbath spent in O-side.

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