Sunday, April 29, 2012

Change of plans...

Well, there has been a change of plans in my Africa trip. I will still be going to Malawi for a little over two weeks to help in some off-site clinics, the hospital itself, and putting on a VBS program for the kids. But after that part of the trip, I will be traveling to Rwanda with my program director to perform a hospital assessment and attend some board meetings with the President of AHI (Adventist Health International). Hello international business! The rest of my trip will be sponsored by my school (thank you Public Health), and will add an extra 12 days to my stay in Africa. I am so excited for all the doors that keep opening for me. God is good!

I'm still fundraising for Malawi... Only $1,600 more to go! If you are able to donate - that is awesome. A small donation has a huge impact. Thanks!

Monday, April 9, 2012

No Time to say Hello, Goodbye!

No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!

I feel like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland right now. I'm thinking about all that I have to get done in the next two months...

At work: planning a day of revival for employees and staying on top of the blog. Also, I think I'm going to start volunteering with the pet therapists to get a little clinical exposure and hang out with some sweet doggies.

For school: write a marketing summary for a dental clinic in Yucaipa, write a marketing business plan for a frozen yogurt place in Redlands, present on the pros and cons of assisted suicide, work on some other group project for epidemiology, and write an 11-page paper and present on my practicum experience so far.

For life: get back to running since I have a race coming up at the end of the month, house hunting for a place to move into by the end of May, and continue fundraising for my mission trip that's in June.

So much to do and so little time. I wish I were Alice instead of the White Rabbit. Then I could day dream and sing with the flowers and play croquet with hedgehogs and flamingos.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Errand is a weird word

Errand is a terribly silly word. I had to look up its origins before I wrote anymore... Apparently it was used in the old english language to mean a business message.

Well, I thought that was interesting. Anyways, I ran errands today - a lot of errands. I just thought I would boast as to how much I completed (this is all after work, by the way).

1. Took my new suit jacket (that ended up being a size too large) to the post office with the return label so that I could exchange it for a smaller size. CHECK!

2. While I was at the post office I picked up stamps and envelopes so that I can mail my mission trip donation letters. CHECK!

3. Went to Yogurtlicious, not for a delicious treat, but for school. I left my contact information for the manager so that my group can do a marketing business plan for them. CHECK!

4. Drove to Downtown Redlands to shop for TOMS ballet flats, but they didn't have the print I wanted. However, I was relieved when I saw that the price tag was a little out of my price range these days. CHECK!

5. Found the Aveda Salon (because I am NEVER going back to the one in Riverside or Napa - EVER). CHECK!

6. Deposited a check I just received (yay!) so that it can gain some interest until I have to apply it to my school account. CHECK!

7. Went to Jamba Juice so that I could receive my necessary intake of fruit for the day. CHECK!

8. Went to Target to buy index cards for class, photo paper to print off some pictures for my new office, and some dark chocolate covered almonds (#semihealthy?) also for my new office. CHECK!

9. Stopped in Payless to see if they had subsitute ballet flats instead of the TOMS. NEGATIVE.
*However, I did meet a nice lady that shared my dilemma of shopping for small feet (#solesisters?). CHECK!

10. Went to Sephora to buy unfortunately necessary makeup... but it didn't cost as much as I thought it would (#frugal). CHECK!

11. Ran at the Drayson Center track. The sad part is that it was only 2 miles; however, I would like to add that I was dodging 4 to 15-year-olds playing soccer/battling a strained muscle in my leg because I didn't stretch properly (like daddy said to) after my big run on Sunday. Check?

12. Bought plane tickets to Phoenix. Check!

13. Finally, in bed before 11pm. Check!

G'night world!