Sunday, April 29, 2012

Change of plans...

Well, there has been a change of plans in my Africa trip. I will still be going to Malawi for a little over two weeks to help in some off-site clinics, the hospital itself, and putting on a VBS program for the kids. But after that part of the trip, I will be traveling to Rwanda with my program director to perform a hospital assessment and attend some board meetings with the President of AHI (Adventist Health International). Hello international business! The rest of my trip will be sponsored by my school (thank you Public Health), and will add an extra 12 days to my stay in Africa. I am so excited for all the doors that keep opening for me. God is good!

I'm still fundraising for Malawi... Only $1,600 more to go! If you are able to donate - that is awesome. A small donation has a huge impact. Thanks!

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